Is Jesus Asleep in Your Boat?

Today’s I am sharing a guided meditation inspired by Sister Madonna’s talk at the 10th National Eucharistic Congress. This is the first in a series of posts I plan to share inspired by the Congress. They will all be a bit different, but the aim is to share the healing and incite I experienced with all of you. I figured, if it meant so much to me, chances are someone else could benefit from me sharing it as well ♡

If you’re here for the guided meditation, you can find it on Spotify or YouTube (linked below)

You can also download the script here (it’s free) to read on your own or to share with a group.

BUT to get the MOST out of this meditation, we’ll dive into a bible quote and the talk that inspired it in the first place…

The Bible Verse

And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him saying “Save, Lord; we are perishing.” And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O men of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?

-Matthew 8:23-27

Sister Madonna’s Talk

During the first night of the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, Sister Bethany Madonna shared a story of spiritual hardship. It was one of those times in her life that felt like being caught in a storm. Waves of doubt overwhelmed her. Fear gripped her heart. And she wondered, as we all do, if she would ever make it to the other side of the storm.

Like any good sister, she turned to prayer. It was not necessarily a beautiful prayer. Or a quiet prayer. Or even a peaceful prayer. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She was in a church, crying, lamenting, begging for some sort of answer or consolation. Anything that could quiet the ache and fear in her heart. And it was there that her tears were met with a compassionate word. Albeit a rather humorous word…

Is Jesus Asleep in Your Boat?

“Is Jesus asleep in your boat?” came the voice of a man. Sister looked up to meet the eyes of a priest, his kind Irish accent still echoing in her ears. “Yes” she nodded, with tears streaming down her face. “Oh” Said the stranger with a smile, “You know what Saint Therese would say?” Sister didn’t. “Get him a pillow.” He said, and that was all it took: that was the word she was looking for: a pillow.

Sister smiled as she told the story. It was so simple. In prayer, she found Jesus on her boat “lifted his drowsy arm, and tucked [her]self under it”. It was the image she needed. It helped her to say “I’m staying with you Lord”. This storm she was facing called her into deeper trust and relationship with the Lord than she had ever had before. With time, the storm passed. And she knew herself, and Jesus, better because of it.

The Image

It was a powerful image for me too. I sat with it in prayer later that night, and I still find myself continually going back to it. When the storms of life feel too great. Or when my own emotions become so great they rock the boat of my peace and wellbeing. When it feels like God doesn’t care. This image of resting with Jesus amid the waves calls me back to peace; to trust; to security.

And if it has been able to work so powerfully in my spiritual life, I have hope it can do the same in others. 

A Guided Meditation

I’ve written and recorded a guided meditation that will help lead you into this spiritual space using imaginative prayer. It is available to listen to on Spotify and YouTube (linked below). Or you can download the script here (it’s free)

We can’t always make sense of the storm. Sometimes the waves that surround us are not meant to be stilled. Yet Jesus is with us in the midst of them. He is there to quiet our fears and to embrace our hearts. 

With Him, we are safe ♡

~ me (elijah jane)

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