
Hey everyone! Welcome to Good Morning Me

I’m so glad you’re here and can’t wait to share a bit about myself with all of you!

Who Am I?

In short, I am an 18 year old girl trying to find her humble way in the world. I am from a small farm town in Western New York and am currently living as a freshman at Stonehill College in Easton MA. I may not know what my life is going to look like in the future but I do know a few things about myself:

I know that at times I am perhaps a bit too organized and at others I have no idea where things are supposed to be. I know my thoughts are often too big, and my handwriting is often too small, for any normal human being to understand. I know I love silence and that I love stories. And that the sunshine makes me smile, but so does the rain. I am an extreme introvert who hates isolation. I am a Roman Catholic living in a secular world. But most importantly, I am like all of you because we are all growing and we are all loved in the midst of that growth.

My name’s Elijah Jane, what’s yours?

wake up and grow

What Am I Doing?

Excellent Question. Figuring it out. Each day I wake up with a single goal: to improve. Weather it be my lifestyle, my thoughts, my hobbies, or my work, growth is the ultimate success. Good Morning Me is my way of making a sort of “roadmap” of my journey.

Slowly but surely, I am getting to a better me; one Good Morning at a time.

Why Am I Doing It?

Here at Stonehill they tell us to “define success by our impact on others”. That motto moved me so much that it was one of the main reasons I chose to attend this college. With or without Good Morning Me, I would continue growing into the person I am meant to be. The difference is, Good Morning Me gives me the opportunity to impact YOU.

I do not know exactly what that impact will be, but my goal is that you will be able to grow closer to the greatest version of yourself as I grow closer to mine:

So that we can grow together.