3 Books for Young Catholic Women

Good Morning! It’s time to shed some light on a few books written by Catholic women for Catholic women

I recently wrote a post about 3 Relationship Books for Young Catholics and today’s post will be similar only this time we’re focusing on the ladies: 3 more books specifically for young Catholic Women. Each of these books takes the complex teachings of the Theology of the Body and make them simultaneously understandable and applicable to our lives. So, let’s get to know a bit about each one:

*side note: if you decide to purchase any of these books using the links in this article, I will receive a small commission from amazon at no additional cost to you and it is greatly appreciated!

1.) How to Find your Soulmate without Losing your Soul

Jason and Crystalina Evert How to Find your Soulmate without losing your soul 21 secrets for women

A Mission and a Map:

Crystalina Evert along with her husband, Jason Evert, have dedicated their lives to educating young people on the beautiful teachings of the Theology of the Body (TOB). Going through her own series of difficult relationships before finding the one, Crystalina serves as a powerful witness to the life changing effect of the TOB.

In this book, readers discover 21 “secrets” for finding and keeping love that will last. This book has called me out, inspired personal growth, and healed parts of me I hadn’t known were hurting. Cleverly titled, the Everts send their readers on a mission to find love without sacrificing the irreplaceable treasure of their soul and they give them a map of how to get there.

2.) Discovering the Feminine Genius

Discovering the Feminine Genius every womens journey inspired by the theology of the Body by Katrina J. Zeno

The Way God sees You:

Katrina J. Zeno focuses this book on St. Pope John Paul II’s idea of the feminine genius. An infinitely complex revelation, Zeno breaks it down into a beautifully written documentation of what it means to be a woman in God’s eyes.

“who am I really?” and why is there a constant longing for more? This book dives right into those questions, etched on nearly every woman’s soul. This book opened spiritual doors for me. It took me down paths unknown and waters uncharted.

Some passages may need a few reads before sinking in but it is WORTH IT. Open your eyes and discover the way you were beautifully and wonderfully made.

3.) The Privilege of being a Woman

the Priveledge of Being a Woman Alice von Hildebrand

Okay… Hot take?

Considering the fact that women have had a history of being oppressed and looked down upon (both in the church and outside world), the title in itself seems to spark controversy. Nonetheless, Alice von Hildebrand presents her argument with dignity and grace.

Is the perceived “lesser” state of women actually a gift from God or is it something to be destroyed? Is the feminine nature one of holiness or one of evil? Feminism: is it a sin? I’ll be honest, this was not the most fun read, but it was insightful. Not only was it a fresh perspective but it was a hopeful one.

Hildebrand is a highly credited writer and teacher and this book displays some of her central ideas on what it means to be a woman.

All three of these books are a great read and all so different from one another. I hope this short list was helpful! If you’ve read any of these books or have books to add to the list be sure to leave a comment below!

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Remember that you are loved just as you were beautifully and wonderfully made! Until next time, live in peace,
