3 Relationship Books for a young Catholic

Good Morning! Today we are going to be talking about three of my favorite Catholic relationship books EVERY YOUNG CATHOLIC should read BEFORE getting into a relationship…

It’s no big secret: dating as a Catholic- especially in this “new age”- can be a real challenge. Even as a non-Catholic, dating has quickly become a nightmare for our generation. I have had so many wonderful conversations with friends and family lately about this problem and something tells me it’s not just us…

So tell me, does any of this sounds familiar?

  • having chastity talks shoved down your throat from the time you could talk (or at least by the time you could even think about looking at someone). Except now you’re finding them more and more frustrating, unfair, and nonsensical the older you get
  • constantly feeling guilty about what you did or didn’t do OR even just the way you feel about someone
  • feeling like your ideal relationship doesn’t look anything like the ones around you
  • wanting a healthy relationship but not even knowing where to start
  • seemingly making the same relationship mistakes over and over again (with no signs of it stopping anytime soon)
  • being told to “trust God’s timing” and that “He has a plan” but looking at your life and wondering how the heck he’s going to get you there with this train wreck to work with
  • wondering if truly fulfilling and satisfying Catholic relationships even exist (and if they’re worth pursuing)
  • believing God has a plan for you but not wanting to just keep waiting for it any longer

If any of these sound like you, don’t worry, you are most certainly NOT alone. In fact, I’d probably say you’re with the majority. Up until very recently I was in the same boat. Even now, some of those questions and feelings and frustrations work their way into my mind: they are wounds that still need healing. But God IS the eternal healer and even though no relationship is ever going to be perfect, these are three books that have helped me create stronger, healthier, more fruitful relationships as a young Catholic in our modern world:

*please note: any of the links in this article will bring you to amazon where you can purchase these books. If you choose to do so, I will receive a very small commission from amazon and it is greatly appreciated!

1.) Emotional Virtue

Catholic relationship book "Emotional Virtue" by Sarah Swafford (a guide to drama-free relationships)

A Foundation to Build:

A how-to guide for something as complex as a Catholic relationship sounds like something out of a fantasy world. But in this short and comprehensible masterpiece of a book, Sarah Swafford lays it all out in a way that is compelling and easy to follow.

This isn’t just about dating, it’s about fostering and maintaining love filled relationships with friends, family, and even yourself.

It will take time and effort to implement the ideals discussed, but I can tell you from experience it is WORTH it. As I read this book, so many of my past struggles in relationships began to make sense. The revelation didn’t just stop there though. This book went on to teach me how to adjust my own actions and decisions to better my current and future relationships.

2.) When God Wrecks Your Romance

A Story to Relate to:

Technically a dual autobiography, Amanda Vernon (a successful gospel singer) and Matt Fase C.S.C. tell their overlapping stories of falling in love and discovering God’s will for their life. It is beautifully told and reads like a compelling YA novel. You’ll find yourself falling in and out of love, laughing, crying, and everywhere in between.

A truly one of a kind telling of a story that too often never gets told, THIS BOOK IS A ROLLERCOASTER. It broke my heart and healed it at the very same time. For the first time I encountered characters whose experiences were like mine and whose relationships were ones I aspired to emulate.

This is truly a must read for every young Catholic

Catholic relationship book "When God Wrecks Your Romance" by Amanda Vernon and Matt Fase CSC (Orthodox Faith, Unorthodox Story)

3.) If You Really Loved Me

Catholic relationship book "If You Really Loved Me" book by Jason Evert (100 questions on Dating, Relationships, and Sexual Purity)

Answers to all those burning questions:

Nearly anything by the Everts is worth investing in but this book in particular is an invaluable resource.

Jason Evert has received hundreds of questions throughout the years from teens all over. They’re experiencing the same things as you and me. This book presents the top 100 questions he has received again and again and answers them with clear reasons and explanations.

When it comes to questions about dating it can sometimes feel awkward or taboo to talk about. But these questions are important, valid, valuable, and deserve to be answered.

The nice thing about this book is you don’t have to read it all at once: you can simply flip to the correlating section as questions arise.

Each of these books have helped me to build strong and fruitful Catholic relationships and I know they will for you too!

Read any (or all!) of these books? Have another book to add to the list? Share your thoughts in the comments below! We would love to hear from you 🙂

For more book recommendations, inspiration, and lifestyle content you can find me on:

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In the meantime I wish you well and hope to connect with you soon! Until next time, stay positive and know you are unconditionally loved <3


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  1. Pingback: 3 Books for Young Catholic Women - Good Morning Me

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